Saturday, 5 March 2011

Product Evaluation
Above is the link to my commentary. It is of mp3 format and can be viewed on the SoundCloud website.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Survey Questions and answers

This is a survey which was carried out using the site 'SurveyMonkey' in question to the final music video, it was created so that we could gather a rough idea of what the audience of the video thought of it, although the video reaching over 3,000 views and the questionnaire receiving only 5 answers for each question it was evident that the majority of the audience had chosen not to answer the questionnaire.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Monday, 10 January 2011

Magazine Advert

This is the magazine advert for QuESt' single 'The samba Thelonious Theory. The photograph has been taken in the same setting as the projected video within the 'Sambe thelonious Theory' as to allow the audience to familiarise themselves with the setting.